
"Osteopathy is the art of listening with hands."

What is osteopathy?


Osteopathy is a holistic manual diagnosis and treatment method. The focus on total heating also distinguishes osteopathy from other manual techniques such as chiropractic and classical manual therapy. The osteopath does not treat the symptoms, but the causes. The osteopath does not treat diseases, he treats people. He mainly uses his hands and eyes for this. The goal is to use individually adapted manual techniques and mostly gentle grips to release the blockages and to optimize mobility between body structures and thus to restart the body's natural healing process.

The work area of osteopathy is divided into three areas:
- Parietal area: the musculoskeletal system (bones, joints, muscles, etc.)
- Vizerale area: internal organs.
- Craniosacral area

The origin of the concept goes back to AmericanDoctor dr Andrew Taylor Still (1828-1917). He was the son of a doctor. Influenced by his father, he began to study medicine. But he found the lectures boring and useless. When he later lost three of his children to infectious diseases, he completely turned away from conventional medicine. After intensive anatomical studies, he has come to the conviction that man has all the possibilities of recovery within himself. The prerequisite for this would be unrestricted mobility in all areas of the body and an unimpeded supply of blood and lymph circulation. Osteopathy was born on July 22, 1874. He wrote about his new discovery: "Like a burst of sunshine, the hole truth dawned on my mind. " He had the revelation that all he would need to treat sick people would be to use his bare hands to track down the movement restrictions, to remove them and to optimize the blood and lymph circulation of the tissues and leave the rest of the body's self-healing power. Hence the famous phrase by Dr. Andrew Still: "Find it, fix it and leave it."

In 1892 he founded the American School of Osteopathy (today: the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine) in Kirksville, Missouri, USA.
Dr. John Martin Sutherland a student of Dr. Stills brought osteopathy to Europe. In the next few years osteopathy developed as a purely manual medicine. Today osteopathy is practiced in almost all European countries.

You can find more information about the history and basic principles of osteopathy on the homepage of the Austrian Society for Osteopathy (ÖGO).

                                                                                                                  Dr. Andrew Taylor Still (1828-1917)
                                                                                                                            (Founder of osteopathy)

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy uses as a natural healing method the passive - eg guided by the therapist, and the active - independently executed movements as well as the use of physical measures to heal and prevent diseases. Physiotherapy is used in a variety of areas of prevention, therapy and rehabilitation, both in outpatient care and in semi-inpatient and inpatient facilities. Physiotherapy is therefore an important complement to drug and surgical therapy.

The term "physiotherapy" no longer does justice to the modern requirements and the variety of methods used in physiotherapeutic procedures.

The main goals of physiotherapy are:
- Relief from pain
- Promote metabolism and blood circulation
- Maintaining and improving mobility
- Maintaining and improving coordination
- Maintaining and improving strength
- Maintaining and improving endurance
The target areas do not stand alone, but influence each other.

The three most important areas of application of physiotherapy are:
- Prevention: preventing the development or recurrence of diseases.
- Therapy: As the main treatment for acute and chronic diseases or as a support to other treatment measures.
- Rehabilitation: Measures to restore abilities that make it possible to participate in daily life despite physical impairments.

Physiotherapists are true "all-rounders". Because the field of application of physiotherapy in medicine is very large. From orthopedics to neurology to psychiatry: Physiotherapy is used in almost every medical specialty. Physiotherapy has an indispensable role in today's medicine.

You can find more information about physiotherapy on the homepage of the Federal Association of Physiotherapists Austria

A selection of the most common fields of treatment:

  • Pre- and post-operative treatments
  • Acute and chronic spinal problems
  • Movement restrictions (blockages etc.)
  • Disturbance in the peripheral nervous system (sensory disturbances, paralysis, pain, etc.)
  • Headaches (migraines, tension headaches etc.)
  • dizziness
  • Tinnitus
  • Temporomandibular joint problems (craniomandibular dysfunctions: CMD)
  • Various joint problems
  • Sports injuries
  • Tension (e.g. shoulder and neck area)
  • Disruption in the digestive system
  • osteoporosis
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Gait training
  • Apron prophylaxis
  • Scoliosis
  • Various neurological diseases or conditions (multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, condition after a stroke, etc.)
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